By the balance improvement of the contaminated soil, the resolution of an organic system chemicals such as fluorine and benzene is promoted, and it also causes big effect on the ecosystem.

Introduction of the balance improvement device for the soil

Balance improvement of the soil contamination

Balancee improvement of the farmland


Balance improvement of the soil contamination

The soil contamination is a situation that a variety of organic compound chemicals such as fluorine, benzene, and toluene infiltrated the soil. A massive free radical is happening under this environment. The devices set up by surrounding the entire facility of the factory to improve the balance of the soil. At this point, the radical reaction is extremely decreased by the balance improvement; therefore the bacteria in the soil will be activated. The breeding bacteria in the soil resolve the chemical substances in about half a year. The soil contamination of the depth of about 2000 meters can be solved by this technology. Therefore, resolution of the underground water pollution is possible.

The balance improvement device for the soil

Balance improvement of the soil

The water quality improvement device Water Pack
Balance point of the soil
  • When radical reaction decreases by the balance improvement, the activity of
    bacteria will be activated; therefore the organic materials and the inorganic
    materials in the soil will decompose well.
  • The pollutants are subjects to 25 kinds of chemical substances and heavy metals
    that are prescribed by the soil contamination policy act.
  • The replacement of the soil and removal of the plant building are not needed at
    all for the project. The pollution measures can be done with the existent situation.
  • The balance environment also causes big effect on the ecosystem, and it
    restores the natural cycle.
Fluorine Experiment of the soil elution

Inquiry concerning product and technology

Case of the improvement of the soil

Introduction of the balance improvement device for the soil

Natural Series Super Ring (Air pack, Soil pack, Ocean pack)
Natural Series

External dimension



SUS304 Stainless

Functions and effects

Reduction o the air pollution, exhaust gas, soil contamination, and the ocean pollution
Resolution of the rivers and lakes pollution in large scale


Air pollution-plants, vehicles, power plants, and boilers
Soil contamination-plants, chemical plants, and farms
Ocean pollution-vessels, plant, and plant facilities

Terms of use

Temperature : -20℃(brine solution)~+1502℃(temperature of piping)
Speed of a moving fluid : 0 ~ 102m/s
the volume of water : corresponds to a large area scale
altitude : corresponds to a large area scale
The area : corresponds to a large area scale
the method of installation : Sets it up in surrounding area of a large area…Polluted areas, gulf regions, object regions, and river embankment.
Usage Quantity price
Air, Soil, Ocean, Desert, and Forest 1
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Generally, it is known that humans sense the bad smell when the emanation of stink molecule penetrated the nostril. However the idea of the smell by the balance improvement is that the change in density of the plus and the minus is in the density of the smell. The stink occurs when a minus density is very high. In other words, a tangerine with the minus density will smell good for humans when its' minus density decrease.

ESLab, located in Gunma, Japan, is a company dedicated to the improvement of environmental balance of water, soil, and air.